Prescribe the Future Now

Today, patients are searching for treatment that goes beyond the prescription of a drug. Introducing Regulora®, the first and only app cleared by the FDA in the U.S. for abdominal pain caused by IBS in adults1, and Health Canada has authorized Launchit DTx to provide Regulora in Canada.

"Cognitive behavioural therapy and hypnotherapy are suggested psychological therapies" as stated in the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)2

Gut Directed Hypnotherapy (GDH) helps to bridge the mind-gut connection and Regulora is an app that provides a convenient digital implementation of this gold-standard protocol.1,3

Studied across all 3 IBS subtypes (IBS-C, IBS-D, and IBS-M), Regulora is a safe and effective non-pharmacological option for your IBS patients.3

of clinical trial participants would recommend Regulora to someone else with IBS1

Now your patients can get relief from IBS abdominal pain through an app on their mobile devices.

The Real Cost of IBS

Abdominal pain is the primary symptom of all IBS subtypes (IBS-C, IBS-D, and IBS-M) and the number-one reason patients seek treatment.2,4
What is a prescription Digital Therapeutic (PDT)?
What is Regulora and who is it for?
What is gut-directed hypnotherapy?

Educate Your Patients on the Benefits of Regulora

Get answers to your questions, watch videos, and join the conversation.

Foster Better Mind-Gut Communication

GDH has been helping IBS patients find relief for nearly four decades.4

Prescribing Made Simple

Let us help guide you through the prescription process.

Ready to Rethink IBS Pain?

Consider a safe and effective non-pharmacological option. 1,8,10

HCP and Patient Resources

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Brief Summary

Open Guidelines
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Regulora® is a digital therapeutic intended to provide behavioral therapy through gut-directed hypnotherapy for adults who have been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Regulora is indicated as a 3-month treatment for patients with abdominal pain due to IBS and is intended to be used together with other IBS treatments. Regulora is intended for patients who speak and read English. Regulora may not be appropriate for patients with mental or physical impairment that would prevent interacting with a mobile video application. Regulora may not be appropriate for patients with evidence of intestinal illness that better explains IBS symptoms such as celiac disease or inflammatory bowel disease. Regulora should not be used in lieu of your current IBS medication or therapy. In a clinical trial of Regulora, side effects were low. About 1% of patients experienced abdominal pain, constipation, fatigue, or headache which was thought to be related to using Regulora.


Regulora® Instructions for Use for Patients and Physicians. metaMe Health, Inc.; April 2022.
2. Canadian Association of Gastroenterology Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
Management_of_IBS_JCAG_Jan2019.pdf, Page 1
3. Data on file. metaMe Health; 2022.
4. International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders. What is IBS? Accessed July 29, 2022.
5. Digital Therapeutics Alliance. Digital Therapeutics Definition and Core Principles Fact Sheet. Accessed July 29, 2022.
6. Riehl ME. The Emerging Role of Brain-Gut Therapies for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Gastroenterol Hepatol (N Y). 2018;14(7):436-438.
7. Chey WD, Keefer L, Whelan K, Gibson PR. Behavioral and Diet Therapies in Integrated Care for Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Gastroenterology. 2021;160(1):47-62.
8. The Rome Foundation. Brain-Gut Psychotherapy Referral Guide. Accessed July 29, 2022.
9. Donnet AS, Hasan SS, Whorwell PJ. Hypnotherapy for irritable bowel syndrome: patient expectations and perceptions. Therap Adv Gastroenterol. 2022;15:17562848221074208.
10. Miller V, Carruthers HR, Morris J, Hasan SS, Archbold S, Whorwell PJ. Hypnotherapy for irritable bowel syndrome: an audit of one thousand adult patients. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2015;41(9):844-855.